Budget 2025 should focus on cooling the global temperature: We need a vehicle weight sales tax now.

There has been a 1,000pc increase in SUV sales in Europe since 2001.

The trends are the complete opposite of what climate action desperately needs and experts have warned that the Government must intervene to influence buyer choices.

Small countries like Ireland who currently lead the charge on SUV ownership rates can not only change course but also lead the way. Small countries are often better able to experiment with innovative policies and institutions and some of the results are worthy of emulation.

Professor Hannah Daly, sustainable energy expert from University College Cork, said while new car technologies allowed for greater efficiencies, those gains were wiped out because the vehicles were getting bigger.

SUVs need more power to move not only because of their extra weight, but because their height and bulky shape increase drag while moving.

With over 60% of Ireland’s newly registered vehicles as SUVS in 2023, we need to start taxing the sale of these vehicles to encourage more sustainable buying habits. We also need to look at push-char manufacturers and ensure they are designing buggies that are not just durable but also flexible to fit in a standard hatch-back boot.

 The tax was also floated by the government’s tax advisory group in July, and could be based on a French model, which taxes motorists €10 for every 10 kilograms over the threshold of 1,800kg.

A weight-based tax for new cars has also been suggested by the Energy and Vehicle Taxation Tax Strategy Group. The idea is to impose a surcharge based on the car’s weight, adding to the existing emissions-based taxes. 

Speaking at the Oireachtas Committee on the Environment and Climate Action today, James Nix, the Climate Director of Transport and Environment, suggested that the tax be introduced by mid-year 2024.

Asked if the state should consider the tax, Nix said that the introduction would be “desirable” as the “top sellers” have become up to 30 centimetres wider in the last thirty years. 

Now that we past the mid-way of 2024 what we do to exert political pressure for this change?

Email the current Minister for Finance outlining your support for a proposed VRT tax based on vehicle weight.

Step 1. Press the ‘Copy to Clipboard’ button to copy our below message to the Minister.

Dear Minister Chambers,

I am writing to express my support for implementation of a new Vehicle Registration Tax (VRT) on heavy vehicles, such as SUVs, to address the significant environmental impact they have on our planet.

As you know, SUVs contribute disproportionately to greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, and traffic congestion. Their larger size and weight result in increased fuel consumption and road wear, further exacerbating these issues.

By imposing a new VRT on heavy vehicles, we can incentivize consumers to choose more environmentally friendly options, such as smaller, more fuel-efficient cars or public transportation. This would help to reduce our carbon footprint and improve air quality.

A higher VRT on heavy non-commercial vehicles is a necessary and effective measure to protect our environment and promote sustainable transportation.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

[Your Name]
[Optional Address/Postcode]

Step 2: Send email to

Email: jack.chambers@oireachtas.ie

Increasing taxes on SUV’s makes sense because drivers of SUV’s exert unfair economic outcomes on others via increased congestion, air pollution and greenhouse gases.

As stated in the RTE brainstorm, motorists are increasingly opting for large electric SUVs. But the environmental impact of these vehicles should not be underestimated. The relentless demand for battery materials and electricity raises the question of whether SUVs can ever be a green option. Of course they can’t.

The Transit Quiz (Part 1 OF 2)

This is a quiz to help raise awareness of transport infrastructure and sustainability in Ireland, sometimes looking to the past to better understand the future. Press the Start button when ready below and good luck!

1 / 40

The Climate Action Plan 2021 (CAP21) provides a detailed plan for taking decisive action to achieve a 51% reduction in overall greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

Which industry in Ireland has shown the greatest overall rise in GHG emissions with an increase of 113.7% since 1990.

2 / 40

Dublin circa 1950. As of 2024, what percentage of roadspace on O'Connell Bridge is currently dedicated to cars?

3 / 40

Where did Ireland rank in the Climate Change Performance Index of 2019?

4 / 40

In which decade did Ireland have it's most extensive train network?

5 / 40

In September 2022, plans were submitted to An Bord Pleanála for Dublin´s Metro North. In what year did An Bord Pleanála previously grant before permission for a Metro North (before it was axed)?

6 / 40

NOx emissions primarily originate from the burning of fossil fuels in car engines. This process produces nitrogen oxides, which are harmful pollutants that contribute to air pollution, damage the human respiratory system and cause acid rain. Which of the following is a primary source of NOx emissions from cars?


7 / 40

Fracking is primarily used to extract natural gas, which is a fossil fuel. In some cases, it can also be used to extract oil for petrol and diesel. 

Which of the following is not an environmental effect of fracking?

8 / 40

Volkswagen admitted to a commissioned study in 2014 which involved monkeys sat inside airtight chambers exposed to diesel fumes. The study was conducted by a research group funded directly by Volkswagen, Daimler, and BMW.

9 / 40

What percentage of Europeans who live in cities are exposed to concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) that are above the WHO guideline level?

10 / 40

The transport sector has shown the greatest overall rise in GHG emissions with an increase of 113.7% since 1990. As of 2022, the transport sector accounts for approximately what percentage of total greenhouse gas emissions in Ireland?

11 / 40

If SUVs were a country, they would rank as the  ______ most polluting nation in the world.

CNN[11], The Guardian[12] The Irish Times [13], The International Energy Agency [14]

12 / 40

Which 2 of the following makes SUVs in urban areas more dangerous to children in particular?

13 / 40

As of 2024, what is the leading cause of death among young people aged 5-29 in Ireland?

14 / 40

The use of SUVs perpetuates not only the climate crisis but the 1,300 deaths in Ireland each year from air pollution  -RTE

What percentage of vehicles purchased in Ireland in 2023 were classified as SUVS?

15 / 40

"..many people have been misled into purchasing [SUVs] without understanding the climate and safety repercussions" -Tom Spencer, Irish EV´s

According to the latest which.co.uk stringent exhaust emissions tests, a car can have a relatively low of CO2 emissions but emit high amounts of NOx or CO (Carbon Monoxide)?

16 / 40

With diesel-gate, car manufacturers admitted to equipping around 11 million diesel-powered cars worldwide with defeat devices. This included models sold in various markets under the Volkswagen, Audi, Seat, Skoda, and Porsche brands.

A company might engage in greenwashing for all of the following reasons EXCEPT which?

17 / 40

What metal is carbon intensive to mine and used in car batteries, smartphones and laptops?

18 / 40

In urban environments, public transport is generally more sustainable than driving electric vehicles because?

19 / 40

A smartphone requires just a couple of grams of lithium for its construction. How much does a typical electric SUV need for its battery pack?

20 / 40

There exists credible and recorded evidence of child labor in cobalt mines. Which country is the largest producer of cobalt for electric car batteries?

21 / 40

Whilst their emissions are usually higher in the production phase, EVs produce near zero tailpipe emissions, greatly reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions in urban areas. In 2022, approximately 79.3% of all new cars sold in _______ were fully electric?

22 / 40

Why does motorway expansion not work to reduce traffic in the long-term?

23 / 40

A carbon tax rebate is a tax-free money benefit to help eligible individuals and families offset the cost of carbon taxes with an extra supplement for residents of small and rural communities.

Which country has implemented this experimental proposal?

24 / 40

The Luas network is made up of 2 tram lines, one is 21km long and the other is 22km long. Which one is longer?

25 / 40

Which of the following statements is MOST LIKELY TRUE about SUVs and pickup trucks compared to smaller cars?

26 / 40

Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) shows that toll income on the M50 recovered to pre-pandemic levels in 2022. How much income did they make on the tolls that year?

27 / 40

"Just 14% of Dublin houses built within walking distance of public transport" - EY Consultancy, 2021

What does TOD stand for in the context of housing?

28 / 40

A fatalistic attitude towards using more public transport for climate change is characterized by?

(Photo: The three fates, St Stephens Green)
The three fates statue

29 / 40

What was the recent public transport campaign launched by the Irish Department of Transport?

30 / 40

Which mode of public transport is best suited to low-density cities?

31 / 40

A 2:1 spend on public transport infrastructure compared to new roads was implemented in the 2020 Programme For Government. Which party introduced the proposal?

32 / 40

A social tipping point in the context of SUVs and climate refers to...

33 / 40

What is the number of the Dublin Bus that goes to the Ferry Port?

34 / 40

The fastest passenger boat across the Irish Sea is a former US military catamaran run by Irish Ferries. What is it called?

35 / 40

36 / 40

In this engineering study which was the last group past the finish line?

37 / 40

The world's first hydrogen powered double deck bus was produced by Wrightbus. 

In which county is the company based?

38 / 40

Smaller cities also introduce congestion charges to fight traffic pollution and congestion. Which of the following cities has NOT implemented a congestion charge?

39 / 40

The Wayfinding Centre opened in Glasnevin in April 2024, what is the primary purpose of it?

40 / 40

Designing with the "we" in mind means what?

Your score is

The average score is 54%


Further reading: Uncomfortable truths: Tackling Dublin´s SUV epidemic


We are a community group formed in 2019, with the initial aim of improving and advocating for BusConnects. Amongst our motivations for this project, we would like to see Ireland achieve a 'very high' rating in the annual Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI), an independent monitoring tool for tracking countries’ climate protection performance.

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